How to wire LED Strips
Reference: COB LED Strip Connector
Single End COB LED Strip Connector
Connector for COB type strip, available for 8mm and 10mm strip. Allows free wire ending on off cut COB Strip
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Illuminating big spaces with enedgy efficient High Bay lighting
LED strips are so versatile, here are just some of their uses.
Swap out old fluorescent tubes for LED.
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Choose from 8mm, 10mm and RGB type - Also connectors for Dotless type strips.
If you need to cut your flexible strip you can re-connect easily with this quick connector. Its double ended so you can link strips or simply cut in half to connect to transformer/Driver.
For the waterproof version of the LED strip you will need to peel a bit of the silicone back from the cut to install and re-seal using non corrosive silicone.
Reference: COB LED Strip Connector
Connector for COB type strip, available for 8mm and 10mm strip. Allows free wire ending on off cut COB Strip
Reference: Double Bridge COB 8mm Connector
Strip to strip bridge for 8mm IP20 COB LED strip.
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